A simple object to store a color and perform Hex/RGB conversions.
function Color(hex) Constructs a new Color object to store the color you provide.
String hex - Hex representation of the color, e.g. #FF0000 for pure red Returns
Color - A new Color object with the specified color
function getHex() Returns the current color in hex format.
String - the hex color, with a leading #, e.g. #FF0000
function setHex(hex) Sets the current color in hex format
String hex - the new color, works with or without a leading #
function setRGB(r, g, b) Sets the color using RGB values (0-255).
byte r - red value
byte g - green value
byte b - blue value
function toString() Returns a string representation of the object
String - a string representation of the color as both Hex and RGB.
This blends between the two Color objects specified by the constructor's input parameters.
function ColorBlend(colorFrom, colorTo) Constructs a new ColorBlend object to blend from the colorFrom to colorTo, e.g. ColorBlend(#FF0000, #000000) (blending from pure red to black).
Color colorFrom - color to blend from
Color colorTo - color to blend to
ColorBlend - A ColorBlend object with the two colors
function getColor(alpha) Returns the color mixed by colorForm and colorTo.
double alpha - The blend factor (a real value between 0 and 1)
Color - The blended color
function toString() Returns a string representation of the object
String - a string representation of the ColorBlend object
Helper functions
function RGBToHex(r, g, b) Rectangle with color and size depending on depth (z value).
byte r - red value
byte g - green value
byte b - blue value
String - A hex representation of the given RGB color
var HEXVALUES ="0123456789ABCDEF"; A string constant used for decimal-hex-conversion