 * 3dhtml Core Library
 * http://3dhtml.netzministerium.de
 * Version 1.1, 27/02/2002
 * Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 by Till Nagel and René Sander
 * Written by Till Nagel <till@netzministerium.de> and René Sander <rene@netzministerium.de>
 * Performance optimization by Fabian Guisset.
 * Distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public.
 * (See http://3dhtml.netzministerium.de/licence.txt for details)

// flag to print debug messages
var DEBUG_3DHTML = false;

// the default offset values - where the origin O(0, 0, 0) lies.
var OFFSET_X_3DHTML = 300;
var OFFSET_Y_3DHTML = 300;
var OFFSET_Z_3DHTML = 0;

// the default scene model

 * Point3D
 * A single point in 3-dimensional space.
 * This is used to represent the models' points.

 * Point3D
 * Constructs a Point3D.
 * Parameters
 *   int x - the x position
 *   int y - the y position
 *   int z - the z position
 *   int materialId - the material id
 *     (reference to the material array of the parent model)
 * Returns
 *   a new Point3D object
function Point3D(x, y, z, materialId) {

	// set point position
	this.x = x;
	this.y = y;
	this.z = z;
	// w coordinate
	this.w = 1;

	// if no material sub id has been submitted, use 0
	this.materialId = materialId ? materialId : 0;

	return this;

Point3D.prototype.transform = Point3DTransform;
Point3D.prototype.homogenize = Point3DHomogenize;
Point3D.prototype.refresh = Point3DRefresh;
Point3D.prototype.duplicate = Point3DDuplicate;
Point3D.prototype.setPosition = Point3DSetPosition;
Point3D.prototype.toString = Point3DToString;

 * Point3D.transform
 * Transforms the point with the given matrix.
 * Parameters
 *   Matrix matrix - the matrix to transform the point with
function Point3DTransform(matrix) {
	var aX = this.x;
	var aY = this.y;
	var aZ = this.z;
	var aW = this.w;

	this.x = aX * matrix.a00 + aY * matrix.a01 + aZ * matrix.a02 + aW * matrix.a03;
	this.y = aX * matrix.a10 + aY * matrix.a11 + aZ * matrix.a12 + aW * matrix.a13;
	this.z = aX * matrix.a20 + aY * matrix.a21 + aZ * matrix.a22 + aW * matrix.a23;
	this.w = aX * matrix.a30 + aY * matrix.a31 + aZ * matrix.a32 + aW * matrix.a33;

 * Point3D.homogenize
 * Homogenizes the point.
function Point3DHomogenize() {

	// if not yet homogenized
	if (this.w != 1) {
		this.x /= this.w;
		this.y /= this.w;
		this.z /= this.w;
		this.w = 1;

 * Point3D.refresh
 * This handler is called when the point is drawn.
function Point3DRefresh() { }

 * Point3D.duplicate
 * Duplicates this Point3D.
 * Returns
 *   The new Point3D
function Point3DDuplicate() {
	return new Point3D(this.x, this.y, this.z, this.materialId);

 * Point3D.setPosition
 * Sets the position of this Point3D.
 * Parameters
 *   int x - the x position
 *   int y - the y position
 *   int z - the z position
function Point3DSetPosition(x, y, z) {
	this.x = x;
	this.y = y;
	this.z = z;
	this.w = 1;

 * Point3D.toString
 * Returns a string representation of the point.
 * Returns
 *   A string of the format (x, y, z, w)
function Point3DToString() {
 	return "(" + this.x + ", " + this.y + ", " + this.z + ", " + this.w + ")";

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Model.prototype.createPointCode = ModelCreatePointCode;
Model.prototype.assignLayers = ModelAssignLayers;
Model.prototype.transform = ModelTransform;

Model.prototype.draw = ModelDraw;
Model.prototype.show = ModelShow;
Model.prototype.hide = ModelHide;

Model.prototype.setPoints = ModelSetPoints;
Model.prototype.setPivot = ModelSetPivot;

Model.prototype.duplicate = ModelDuplicate;
Model.prototype.copyPointsFrom = ModelCopyPointsFrom;
Model.prototype.copyPointLayerRefsFrom = ModelCopyPointLayerRefsFrom;

Model.prototype.storePointValues = ModelStorePointValues;
Model.prototype.restorePointValues = ModelRestorePointValues;

Model.prototype.linkTo = ModelLinkTo;

Model.prototype.getPointInWorldCoordinates = ModelGetPointInWorldCoordinates;
Model.prototype.getCompleteSgMatrix = ModelGetCompleteSgMatrix;

Model.prototype.toString = ModelToString;

 * Model
 * A collection of points that make up a model

 * Model
 * Constructs a new model at (0,0,0) without any points.
 * Parameters
 *   String id - The name of the model
 *   Material material - The mandatory material (materialId = 0)
 * Returns
 *   Model - the new model object
function Model(id, material) {
	// sets object properties
	this.id = id;
	this.points = new Array();
	this.storedPointValues = new Array();

	this.visibility = true;

	// creates new pivot (origin in model coordinates system)
	this.pivot = new Point3D(0, 0, 0);
	// creates new parentPivot (origin in parent coordinate system)
	// used to transform the points from model coordinate system to parent coordinate system
	//  e.g. to the world coordinate system
	//       this.parentPivot = new Point3D(100, 0, 0);
	//  e.g. link to other objects
	//       this.parentPivot = otherModel.points[ pointIndex ];
	this.parentModel = null;
	this.parentPointIndex = null;
	// a scene graph matrix to store the transformations
	this.sgMatrix = rawMatrix;

	// creates an array to store the material objects
	this.materials = new Array();
	// sets the first material
	this.materials[0] = material;

	// links the model to the default scene
	//   therefore every model has this default scene
	//   which is not drawable and marks the end of the scene graph.
	if (this.id != "defaultScene3dhtml") {
		this.linkTo(defaultScene3dhtmlModel, 0);

	return this;

 * Model.createPointCode
 * Writes all layers into the document (and also stores references
 * to the DIVs in the respective Point3D objects)
 * The naming convention used for the DIV elements:
 * pnt + {model-ID} + {point-ID}
 * The HTML is written directly within the method, preceeding
 * the initialization of the corresponding points with their
 * respective layer references. This is not left to the user.
function ModelCreatePointCode() {
	var s = "";
	var i = 0;

	var length = this.points.length;

	// creates HTML code for all points
	for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
		// DIV with unique id
		s += '<div id="p' + this.id + i + '" style="position:absolute;z-Index:0">';

		// the DIV content is determined by the material element assigned to the point.
		// adds the material's body to the output string if the material exists
		m = this.materials[this.points[i].materialId];
		// if point has a materialId not defined in the material collection of the model
		// the point is not visible, i.e. an empty layer.
		s += m ? m : "";

		// closes the DIV
		s += "</div>\n";

	// writes the divs into the document

	// Netscape 4.x cannot access the layers we've just written instantly.
	// Assigns layer references for the written points
	// (except for Netscape where this has to be done manually in the onLoad-handler)
  if (!ns) { this.assignLayers(); }

 * Model.assignLayers
 * Assigns layer references for all points of the model.
function ModelAssignLayers() {

	if (!this.layersAssigned) {
		var i = 0;
		var length = this.points.length;

		// assigns layer references to the respective point objects
		for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
			this.points[i].lyr = new LyrObj( "p" + this.id + i );

		this.layersAssigned = true;

 * Model.transform
 * Transforms the model with the given matrix.
 * Parameters
 *   Matrix matrx - the transformation matrix (e.g. a rotation matrix)
function ModelTransform(matrix) {
	var i = 0;
	var length = this.points.length;

	// transforms each single point
	for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
	// transforms the pivot
	// see pivotTest3d_neuer.html

	// adds the transformation to the scene graph
	// #1 premultiplication
	// var tmpMatrix = matrix.getCopy();
	// Avoid a matrix copy
	// tmpMatrix.compose(this.sgMatrix);
	// this.sgMatrix = tmpMatrix;
	this.sgMatrix = matrix.composeNoModification(this.sgMatrix);

	// #1 postmultiplication

 * Model.draw
 * Draws the points of the model (ie positioning the point layers on the screen).
function ModelDraw() {
	// don't draw invisible models to speed up performance
	// all child objects will be drawn correctly, though.
	if (!this.visibility) return;

	// model-coordinates to world-coordinates mapping
	var completeSgMatrix = this.parentModel.getCompleteSgMatrix();
	//var completeSgMatrix = this.getCompleteSgMatrix();
	//var completeSgMatrix = this.parentModel.sgMatrix;

	//alert(this + "\nsgMatrix=\n" + this.sgMatrix + "\nparent: " + this.parentModel + "\nparent.sgMatrix:\n" + this.parentModel.sgMatrix + "\ncompleteSgMatrix:\n" + completeSgMatrix);


	var pivotMatrix = rawMatrix.translateNoModification(this.pivot.x,this.pivot.y,this.pivot.z);

	// var m2wMatrix = new Matrix();
	// m2wMatrix.compose(completeSgMatrix);
	// m2wMatrix.compose(pivotMatrix);
      var tempMatrix = rawMatrix.composeNoModification(completeSgMatrix);
      tempMatrix = tempMatrix.composeNoModification(pivotMatrix);

	//alert(this + "\nsgMatrix=\n" + this.sgMatrix + "\nparent: " + this.parentModel + "\nparent.sgMatrix:\n" + this.parentModel.sgMatrix + "\ncompleteSgMatrix:\n" + completeSgMatrix);

	var length = this.points.length;

	// draws all points
	for (dw = 0; dw < length; dw++) {
		p = this.points[dw];

		// sets the layer properties
		p.lyr.setPos("left", p.x);
		p.lyr.setPos("top", p.y);
		p.lyr.setzIndex(p.z + OFFSET_Z_3DHTML);

		// refreshs the material if method is available
		m = this.materials[p.materialId];
		if (m && m.refresh) m.refresh(p);

	// discards the wc model instead of backtransforming
	//   (other approach: transform back in model coordinates: this.transform(-m2wMatrix);)

 * Model.show
 * Shows the model by setting all of its points visible
function ModelShow() {
	p = this.points;
	var length = p.length;

	for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {

	this.visibility = true;

 * Model.hide
 * Hides the model by setting all of its points invisible
function ModelHide() {
	p = this.points;
	var length = p.length;

	for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {

	this.visibility = false;

 * Model.linkTo
 * Assigns a parent model to this model.
 * Links this model as child to the parentModel to build a scene graph
 * All children will be drawn from their parent model.
 * Parameters
 *   Model parentModel - the model to link to
 *   int pointIndex - the index of the parent model's point that this model is linked to.
function ModelLinkTo(parentModel, pointIndex) {
	// stores the new parent model reference
	this.parentModel = parentModel;

	// uses the point (points[pointIndex]) to translate the child object
	// so the point is the child object's new pivot.
	// (if no point parameter the the pivot of the parent model is used)
	if (pointIndex) {
		var pivm = new Matrix();
		with (this.parentModel.points[pointIndex]) {
			pivm.translate(x, y, z); // translates with the point positions of the moment (all following trans won't work)
	//this.parentPointIndex = pointIndex; // old: not in use anymore

 * Model.setPoints
 * Sets the points array of the model.
 * Parameters
 *   Point3D[] newPoints - an array containing the new model points
function ModelSetPoints(newPoints) {
	this.points = newPoints;


 * Model.setPivot
 * Sets the model's pivot.
 * Parameters
 *   Point3D pivot - the new pivot
function ModelSetPivot(pivot) {
	// sets the pivot
	// will be used to translate at Model.draw();
	this.pivot = pivot;

	// other approach:
	// renders new point coordinates (calculates pivot into the points)
	var length = this.points.length;
	for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
		this.points[i].x = pivot.x - this.points[i].x;
		this.points[i].y = pivot.y - this.points[i].y
		this.points[i].z = pivot.z - this.points[i].z

 * Model.copyPointsFrom
 * Copies the points from the source model into this model.
 * To preserve the layer reference this method just copies
 * the position attributes.
 * Parameters
 *   Model source - The model to copy the points from
function ModelCopyPointsFrom( source ) {
	var p = source.points;
	var length = p.length;
	for ( var i = 0; i < length; i++ ) {
		this.points[i].x = p[i].x;
		this.points[i].y = p[i].y;
		this.points[i].z = p[i].z;
		this.points[i].w = p[i].w;

 * Model.copyPointLayerRefsFrom
 * Copies the layer references from the source model into this model.
 * Combined with copyPointsFrom it is used to create the scene graph.
 * Parameters
 *   Model source - the source Model
function ModelCopyPointLayerRefsFrom( source ) {
	var p = source.points;
	var length = p.length;
	for ( var i = 0; i < length; i++ ) {
		//this.points[i].lyr = p[i].lyr;

 * Model.duplicate
 * Duplicates a model.
 * Parameters
 *   String newId - the id of the new model.
 * Returns
 *   Model - the dup model.
function ModelDuplicate( newId ) {
	// if there is no newId create a new one
	// (known bug: duplicating the same model twice
	// without specifying a newId results in two
	// objects with same id)
	if (newId == null) newId = this.id + "Dup";

	m = new Model(newid, new Material(""));

	// deepcopy model.points into m.points
	var length = this.points.length;
	for ( var i = 0; i < length; i++ ) {
		m.points[i] = this.points[i];

	// deepcopy model.materials into m.naterials
	for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
		m.materials[i] = this.materials[i];

	m.pivot = new Point3D(this.pivot);

	return m;

 * Model.storePointValues
 * Stores the values of the points to restore them later.
function ModelStorePointValues() {
	var i = 0;
	var length = this.points.length;
	for (i = 0; i < length; i++ ) {
		this.storedPointValues[i] = this.points[i].duplicate();

	this.sgMatrixCopy = this.sgMatrix;


 * Model. restorePointValues
 * Restores values of stored points.
function ModelRestorePointValues() {
	var i = 0;
	var length = this.points.length;
	for (i = 0; i < length; i++ ) {
		this.points[i].x = this.storedPointValues[i].x;
		this.points[i].y = this.storedPointValues[i].y;
		this.points[i].z = this.storedPointValues[i].z;

	this.sgMatrix = this.sgMatrixCopy;

 * Model.getPointInWorldCoordinates
 * Returns one of the model's points (specified by pointIndex, the point
 * number) in world coordinates. This does not alter the actual point.
 * Parameters
 *   int pointIndex - the index number of the point to convert
 * Returns
 *   Point3D - The point in world coordinates
function ModelGetPointInWorldCoordinates( pointIndex ) {
	var pwc = new Point3D();

	pwc.x = this.points[pointIndex].x;
	pwc.y = this.points[pointIndex].y;
	pwc.z = this.points[pointIndex].z;
	pwc.w = this.points[pointIndex].w;

	//var pmid = (this.parentModel != null) ? this.parentModel.id : "null";
	//alert(this.id + ".getPointInWC()\n parentModel=" + pmid + "\n expr=" + (this.parentModel != null) + "\n ppi=" + this.parentPointIndex);
	if (this.parentModel != null) {
		var ppwc = this.parentModel.getPointInWorldCoordinates( this.parentPointIndex );
		pwc.x += ppwc.x;
		pwc.y += ppwc.y;
		pwc.z += ppwc.z;
		pwc.w += ppwc.w;

	return pwc;

 * Model.getCompleteSgMatrix
 * X
 * Returns
 *   Matrix - the scene graph matrix
function ModelGetCompleteSgMatrix() {
	var completeSgMatrix = this.sgMatrix;

	if (this.parentModel != null) {
		completeSgMatrix = this.parentModel.getCompleteSgMatrix();


		var tmpMatrix = completeSgMatrix.getCopy();
		completeSgMatrix = tmpMatrix;

	return completeSgMatrix;

 * Model.toString
 * This returns a string of the format
 * {modelId}
 * @{pivot}
 * {list of materials}
 * {list of points}
 * Returns
 *   String - a string representation of the model.
function ModelToString() {
	var s = "";

	// concatenates main attributes of the model
	s += this.id + "\n";
	s += "@" + this.pivot + "\n";
	s += this.materials + "\n";

	for (i = 0; i < this.points.length; i++) {
		s += this.points[i].toString() + "\n";

	return s;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * Matrix
 * A matrix object used to define transformations.

 * Matrix
 * Constructs a 4x4 Matrix you will need to transform points.
 * Preconfigured as identity matrix, i.e.
 *   1 0 0 0
 *   0 1 0 0
 *   0 0 1 0
 *   0 0 0 1
 * Returns
 *   a new Matrix object
function Matrix() {
	// sets identity matrix
	this.a01 = this.a02 = this.a03 = 0;
	this.a10 = this.a12 = this.a13 = 0;
	this.a20 = this.a21 = this.a23 = 0;
	this.a30 = this.a31 = this.a32 = 0;
	this.a00 = this.a11 = this.a22 = this.a33 = 1;

	return this;

Matrix.prototype.rotateX = MatrixRotateX;
Matrix.prototype.rotateY = MatrixRotateY;
Matrix.prototype.rotateZ = MatrixRotateZ;
Matrix.prototype.scale = MatrixScale;
Matrix.prototype.translate = MatrixTranslate;
Matrix.prototype.translateNoModification = MatrixTranslateNoModification;

Matrix.prototype.compose = MatrixCompose;
Matrix.prototype.composeNoModification = MatrixComposeNoModification;

Matrix.prototype.getCopy = MatrixGetCopy;
Matrix.prototype.setMatrixValues = MatrixSetMatrixValues;

Matrix.prototype.toString = MatrixToString;

 * Matrix.rotateX
 * Rotates along the x-axis with phi degree.
 * Parameters
 *   float phi - the radiant value to rotate with
function MatrixRotateX(phi) {
	var myMatrix = new Matrix();

	myMatrix.a00 = 1; myMatrix.a01 =  myMatrix.a02 =  myMatrix.a03 = 0;
	myMatrix.a10 = 0; myMatrix.a11 = Math.cos(phi); myMatrix.a12 = -Math.sin(phi); myMatrix.a13 = 0;
	myMatrix.a20 = 0; myMatrix.a21 = Math.sin(phi); myMatrix.a22 = Math.cos(phi); myMatrix.a23 = 0;
	myMatrix.a30 = myMatrix.a31 = myMatrix.a32 = 0; myMatrix.a33 = 1;

	// old

	// new

 * Matrix.rotateY
 * Rotates along the y-axis with phi degree.
 * Parameters
 *   float phi - the radiant value to rotate with
function MatrixRotateY(phi) {
	var myMatrix = new Matrix();

	myMatrix.a00 = Math.cos(phi); myMatrix.a01 = 0; myMatrix.a02 = Math.sin(phi); myMatrix.a03 = 0;
	myMatrix.a10 = myMatrix.a13 = myMatrix.a12 = 0; myMatrix.a11 = 1;
	myMatrix.a20 = -Math.sin(phi); myMatrix.a21 = 0; myMatrix.a22 = Math.cos(phi); myMatrix.a23 = 0;
	myMatrix.a30 = myMatrix.a31 = myMatrix.a32 = 0; myMatrix.a33 = 1;


 * Matrix.rotateZ
 * Rotates along the z-axis with phi degree.
 * Parameters
 *   float phi - the radiant value to rotate with
function MatrixRotateZ(phi) {
	var myMatrix = new Matrix();

	myMatrix.a00 = Math.cos(phi); myMatrix.a01 = -Math.sin(phi); myMatrix.a02 = 0; myMatrix.a03 = 0;
	myMatrix.a10 = Math.sin(phi); myMatrix.a11 = Math.cos(phi); myMatrix.a12 = 0; myMatrix.a13 = 0;
	myMatrix.a20 = myMatrix.a21 = 0; myMatrix.a22 = 1; myMatrix.a23 = 0;
	myMatrix.a30 = myMatrix.a31 = myMatrix.a32 = 0; myMatrix.a33 = 1;


 * Matrix.scale
 * Scale with the scale factors.
 * Parameters
 *   float sx - the x scale factor
 *   float sy - the y scale factor
 *   float sz - the z scale factor
function MatrixScale(sx, sy, sz) {
	var myMatrix = new Matrix();

	myMatrix.a00 = sx; myMatrix.a01 = myMatrix.a02 = myMatrix.a03 = 0;
	myMatrix.a10 = 0; myMatrix.a11 = sy; myMatrix.a12 = myMatrix.a13 = 0;
	myMatrix.a20 = myMatrix.a21 = 0; myMatrix.a22 = sz; myMatrix.a23 = 0;
	myMatrix.a30 = myMatrix.a31 = myMatrix.a32 = 0; myMatrix.a33 = 1;


 * Matrix.translate
 * Translate with the translation values.
 * Parameters
 *   float dx - the x value to translate with
 *   float dy - the y value to translate with
 *   float dz - the z value to translate with
function MatrixTranslate(dx, dy, dz) {
	var myMatrix = new Matrix();

	myMatrix.a00 = 1; myMatrix.a01 = myMatrix.a02 = 0; myMatrix.a03 = dx;
	myMatrix.a10 = 0; myMatrix.a11 = 1; myMatrix.a12 = 0; myMatrix.a13 = dy;
	myMatrix.a20 = myMatrix.a21 = 0; myMatrix.a22 = 1; myMatrix.a23 = dz;
	myMatrix.a30 = myMatrix.a31 = myMatrix.a32 = 0; myMatrix.a33 = 1;


function MatrixTranslateNoModification(dx, dy, dz) {
	var myMatrix = new Matrix();

	myMatrix.a00 = 1; myMatrix.a01 = myMatrix.a02 = 0; myMatrix.a03 = dx;
	myMatrix.a10 = 0; myMatrix.a11 = 1; myMatrix.a12 = 0; myMatrix.a13 = dy;
	myMatrix.a20 = myMatrix.a21 = 0; myMatrix.a22 = 1; myMatrix.a23 = dz;
	myMatrix.a30 = myMatrix.a31 = myMatrix.a32 = 0; myMatrix.a33 = 1;

	myMatrix = myMatrix.composeNoModification(this);

      return myMatrix;

 * Matrix.compose
 * Composes this matrix with the given matrix m
 * Parameters
 *   Matrix m - the matrix to compose with
function MatrixCompose(m) {
	var r, c;
	var myMatrix = new Matrix();

	// matrices multiplication
	for(r = 0; r < 4; r++)
		for(c = 0; c < 4; c++) {
			myMatrix["a" + r + c] =
				this["a" + r + "0"] * m["a0" + c]
				+ this["a" + r + "1"] * m["a1" + c]
				+ this["a" + r + "2"] * m["a2" + c]
				+ this["a" + r + "3"] * m["a3" + c];

	// copies the new matrix to this
	for(r = 0; r < 4; r++) {
		for(c = 0; c < 4; c++) {
			this["a" + r + c] = myMatrix["a" + r + c];

 * Matrix.composeNoModification
 * Composes this matrix with the given matrix m, but do not modify "this".
 * Return a copy instead.
 * Parameters
 *   Matrix m - the matrix to compose with
 * Returns
 *   Matrix myMatrix - the copy of the composed matrix.

function MatrixComposeNoModification(m) {
	var r, c;
	var myMatrix = new Matrix();

	// matrices multiplication
	for(r = 0; r < 4; r++)
		for(c = 0; c < 4; c++) {
			myMatrix["a" + r + c] =
				this["a" + r + "0"] * m["a0" + c]
				+ this["a" + r + "1"] * m["a1" + c]
				+ this["a" + r + "2"] * m["a2" + c]
				+ this["a" + r + "3"] * m["a3" + c];

	return myMatrix;

 * Matrix.setMatrixValues
 * Sets the values of this matrix to the values of the sourceMatrix.
 * (Ergo it copies them)
 * Parameters
 *   Matrix sourceMatrix - the matrix to copy the values from
function MatrixSetMatrixValues(sourceMatrix) {
	with (sourceMatrix) {
		this.a00 = a00; this.a01 = a01; this.a02 = a02; this.a03 = a03;
		this.a10 = a10; this.a11 = a11; this.a12 = a12; this.a13 = a13;
		this.a20 = a20; this.a21 = a21; this.a22 = a22; this.a23 = a23;
		this.a30 = a30; this.a31 = a31; this.a32 = a32; this.a33 = a33;

 * Matrix.getCopy
 * Copies the values of this matrix to a new one and returns it.
 * Returns
 *   Matrix - a new Matrix with values copied from this Matrix.
function MatrixGetCopy() {
	var destMatrix = new Matrix();
	with (destMatrix) {
		a00 = this.a00; a01 = this.a01; a02 = this.a02; a03 = this.a03;
		a10 = this.a10; a11 = this.a11; a12 = this.a12; a13 = this.a13;
		a20 = this.a20; a21 = this.a21; a22 = this.a22; a23 = this.a23;
		a30 = this.a30; a31 = this.a31; a32 = this.a32; a33 = this.a33;
	return destMatrix;

 * Matrix.toString
 * Returns a string representation of the matrix
 * Returns
 *   a string representation of the Matrix object,
 *   e.g.
 *    1 0 0 0
 *    0 1 0 0
 *    0 0 1 0
 *    0 0 0 1
function MatrixToString() {
	var tab = "\t";
	return this.a00 + tab + this.a01 + tab + this.a02 + tab + this.a03 + "\n" +
		this.a10 + tab + this.a11 + tab + this.a12 + tab + this.a13 + "\n" +
		this.a20 + tab + this.a21 + tab + this.a22 + tab + this.a23 + "\n" +
		this.a30 + tab + this.a31 + tab + this.a32 + tab + this.a33 + "\n";

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * Material
 * A material has a body, basically containing a string with HTML code
 * (which will make up the content of a point's DIV). Additionally it
 * has a JavaScript statement - the refresh() method - that is called
 * when drawing the points, so the material appearance can be changed
 * by changing what is happening in the DIV.

 * Material
 * Constructs a Material.
 * Parameters
 *   String body - an HTML snippet (e.g. '<font color=red>+</font>')
 *   Function refresh - the function to call if model was drawn
 * Returns
 *   Material - The new Material object
function Material(body, refresh) {
	this.body = body;

	// stores reference to the specified refresh method
	this.refresh = refresh;

	return this;

Material.prototype.toString = MaterialToString;

 * Material.toString
 * Returns the string representation of this Material.
 * Returns
 *   String - the Material's body
function MaterialToString() {
	return this.body;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * Modulator
 * This is basically an object encapsulating a function of some sort. It can
 * be used to influence parameters such as the scaling of a model, its movement
 * or the color of a point.
 * For an example, see implementation of MouseModulator.js.

 * Modulator
 * Constructs a Modulator.
 * Returns
 *   a new Modulator object
function Modulator() {
	this.matrix = new Matrix();

	this.getMatrix = ModulatorGetMatrix;
	this.animate = ModulatorAnimate;

	return this;

 * Modulator.getMatrix
 * Returns
 *   the modulator's internal matrix
function ModulatorGetMatrix() {
	return this.matrix;

 * Modulator.animate
 * The (empty) default implementation of the animate method,
 * which is used in modulators to update their internal matrix.
function ModulatorAnimate() {

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * Helper functions

 * normalize
 * Normalizes a value to project it to a given range.
 * Example: v=5, source=[1, 10], destination=[1, 5]
 *          result = 2.22
 * Parameters
 *   float v - the value to project (within source range)
 *   float sMin - the min value of the source range
 *   float sMax - the max value of the source range
 *   float dMin - the min value of the destination range
 *   float dMax - the max value of the destination range
 * Returns
 *   float - The normalized value
function normalize(v, sMin, sMax, dMin, dMax) {
	return Math.min(Math.max( ((dMax - dMin) / (sMax - sMin)) * ((v - sMin) + dMin), dMin), dMax);

 * degToRad
 * Converts degree value to radiant value.
 * Parameters
 *   float v - The degree value
 * Returns
 *   float - The rad value
function degToRad(v) {
	return v / (360 / (2 * Math.PI));

 * radToDeg
 * Converts radiant value to degree value.
 * Parameters
 *   float v - The rad value
 * Returns
 *   float - The degree value
function radToDeg(v) {
	return v * (360 / (2 * Math.PI));

var rawMatrix = new Matrix();
var defaultScene3dhtmlModel = new Model("defaultScene3dhtml");
defaultScene3dhtmlModel.setPoints( new Array( new Point3D(0, 0, 0) ) );
// translates the default scene model to its start position
// e.g. use constants or calculate center of the screen
var ds3dhtmlMatrix=new Matrix();
ds3dhtmlMatrix.translate(OFFSET_X_3DHTML, OFFSET_Y_3DHTML, OFFSET_Z_3DHTML);

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